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Women's health physiotherapy encompasses all things that are unique to women's health and is generally focused on helping women who are pre or post natal, have endometriosis, menopause symptoms, prolapse or those with pelvic floor dysfunction (typically incontinence and pelvic pain).  


With the treatment techniques I use and the experience I have had in my career I now mainly focus on treating women with endometriosis and menopause related issues. 



Physiotherapy can assist you in reducing pain and movement restrictions caused by endometriosis.

Mechanically - women with endometriosis typically have developed movement patterns due to the pain and inflammation, such as pelvic floor gripping, that further effect their ability to move well. 

Systemically - endometriosis is a condition that often results in a lot of stagnation (fluid restriction) in the body. This can effect the quality and comfort of your menstrual cycle, gut health and energy levels. 


REBOOT Physiotherapy is well placed to help you due to Rebecca's training:

1. Women's Health Physiotherapy - a great understanding in women's health conditions and allows examination of the pelvic floor when required. 

2. Connect Therapy - find the most important area to treat for symptom relief. 

3. Visceral Manipulation - gentle techniques that help release fascial restrictions between organs in your abdomen which is particularly important for endometriosis.

4. Acupuncture - the eastern medicine approach to health is one of ensuring balance, movement (addressing stagnation) and tissue health. I have found this a very useful addition to treatment sessions for endometriosis related issues. 


Read my blog post on Endometriosis Physiotherapy here.  



Physiotherapy is well proven to help women stay comfortable and active through pregnancy. Women's Health Physiotherapy can help:

  • ​treat musculoskeletal pain through pregnancy 

  • assess pelvic floor function and strength

  • assess rectus diastasis (abdominal separation) and prescribe individualised rehabilitation exercises 

  • guide you through return to exercise post pregnancy  


Other women's health related issues

If you have incontinence, pain with intercourse, prolapse or have had pelvic floor surgery I recommend seeing a colleague Kaitlyn Tandy (also located in Health Space Weston) who has post-graduate qualifications in women's health. Her website is 



Appointments can be made through our online booking portal or calling. 

If you have more questions feel free to email or call 0422 487 717.

Pre Natal Post Natal Physiotherapy
Menopause Physiotherapy
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
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