At your first appointment your physiotherapist will complete a thorough assessment aimed at determining the cause of your problem.
Initially you will get a chance to tell your story about the injury you have and then we will ask you a few questions to get detailed information to make an accurate diagnosis.
After this a whole body movement assessment will take place. Have you ever wondered how that old ankle injury is affecting your knee pain? During this assessment we will determine the cause of your current symptoms allowing us to target treatment at the cause and not just symptom management.
On most occasions treatment will begin in this session, for more complex injuries that require more detailed assessment, treatment may begin on the first review.
During your follow up appointments we will always start by reviewing symptoms since the last session and re-assessing our key findings.
From there we are into treatment and starting to make you feel and move better. Exercises and advice on what to do between sessions will also be provided.
Referral if you have one (you don't need a referral to see a physiotherapist)
Test results from imaging - MRI, X-ray, Ultrasound etc
Loose fitting comfortable shorts and singlet preferable (you will have time to get changed at the appointment if required)
Women - it is best to wear a comfortable bra or crop that doesn't cover too much of your upper back especially for neck, shoulder and back pain.
Footwear - bring any along that are relevant to your symptoms. E.g. running or walking shoes if your symptoms are aggravated with these activities. If you have orthotics please also bring these along.
GP referral letter including date and area of injury
Claim number, details of your insurer and claim manager
Please note that if your compensation claim is not accepted or closed you are responsible for the cost of treatment.
COMCARE - REBOOT Physiotherapy does not provide treatment services for Comcare clients.
DVA - REBOOT Physiotherapy does not provide treatment services for DVA clients.